Bible Society of South Africa
Neville Turley

Gems from the Psalms – Day 4

The only true God

Bible text(s)

Psalms 115

The One True God

1To you alone, O LORD, to you alone,

and not to us, must glory be given

because of your constant love and faithfulness.

Psalms 115:1GNBOpen in Bible reader

Our verse for the day is part of a hymn of praise contrasting the power of the living God to the ineffectiveness of man-made idols revered by others. It is an exhortation to the people of God reminding them that he is the only true God and glory should only be given to him.

There is a valuable lesson here for all of us. Believers have no problems rejecting pagan gods and idols worshipped by other faiths. However, belief in one’s own self-importance and hero worship of others are very real human faults.

We need to guard against glorifying others or ourselves. It is a very real danger as our lifestyles have become hectic and self-centred. We do not take time to praise and honour God, which should always be our first priority.

The idols that we turn to may not be the graven images made from silver and gold, as described by the psalmist (115:4). The abuse of electronic images can lead us astray too.

Our Father is the Almighty One, the Sovereign King of heaven and earth. He is the rock to whom we must cling to at all times – the only true God.

God grants us many blessings to enjoy in life, but we must never allow any one of those blessings to obsess us to such an extent that it dominates our existence, because there is only one true God.

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