Bible Society of South Africa
Neville Turley

God’s precious promises – Day 17

Making the best use of your gifts

Bible text(s)

1 Peter 4

10Each one, as a good manager of God's different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from God. 11Whoever preaches must preach God's messages; whoever serves must serve with the strength that God gives, so that in all things praise may be given to God through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and power for ever and ever. Amen.

1 Peter 4:10-11GNBOpen in Bible reader

None of us are here by accident. God has a plan and purpose for each and every one. The adage “God uses those he chooses” is very true and binding on all Christians.

Towards the end of his ministry with the cross looming ahead, Jesus prayed for his disciples: “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world” (John 17:18).

Accepting the Lord Jesus as Saviour is the only way to be redeemed from sin and obtain eternal life. By the grace of God, Christians have that priceless privilege and it is absolutely vital that they make others aware of the good news of God in Jesus Christ.

Every Christian is called to be a missionary. Some use their God-given gifts in a full-time capacity, others use their gifts in personal witness or by their dedicated support of Church and mission-orientated organisations.

In South Africa we are blessed in that we have freedom of worship. We can, without fear of persecution, go about our missionary activities and in that way make known God’s great love for man. Many Christians do so by making God’s word available.

There are groups who walk, run, pedal and swim to raise funds for Bibles. Word Riders, a voluntary group of motorcyclists, year after year reach out to school children in disadvantaged communities with Bibles. Others who are not so physically active make God’s word available through the Bible Society’s Bible-a-month club.

All are co-workers with Christ as they sow the good seed of the gospel. They have the privilege and joy of being an integral part of the Great Commission and bring praise and honour to God.

May God help each of us to effectively use our gifts in his service.

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