Bible Society of South Africa
Benescke Janse van Rensburg

He can … – Day 19

He can use us as His instruments

Bible text(s)

Psalms 37

5Give yourself to the LORD;

trust in him, and he will help you;

Psalms 37:5GNBOpen in Bible reader

Some time ago, we mentioned a photo of an elderly couple (both in their 70s) during the morning show on Tygerberg 104FM. The photo appeared in Die Burger that morning. In the picture, the couple stood in front of their burned down garage. A burglar tried to steal their car. However, a short-circuit caused a fire. Within minutes, their car burned out as well as all the woman’s winter clothes. Luckily, the fire department stopped it before it reached the house.

On the spur of the moment, we decided, in the studio, to ask our listeners if they would help us to help the couple. We were amazed by the quick, generous contributions from our listeners. A day later, we went to surprise the couple.

The couple was very surprised by our visit. Even more so when we told them that our listeners, who did not even know them, were generous enough to help them with R21 000. Both the man and woman had to wipe away tears. Through her sobs, the woman told us that she spoke to God that morning about the situation. She was worried. They did not have insurance on the car, and she wondered how they would move around without a car.

The words of Psalm 37:5 came to mind: “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this.” She did not know what awaited them, but God knew. It was Him who drew our attention to the article in the studio. He softened the listener’s hearts to contribute money. He took the initiative. We were merely instruments in His hands.

What is your need today? God can surprise you too. In the same way, every day, we have several opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others. Sometimes the needs are physical. At other times, it is an emotional need that we can meet by praying for someone or just by being friendly towards them. God knows the need and He will lead us by the Holy Spirit to demonstrate His love in a broken world. Will you obey his call today? God bless you.

Assignment for the day: Ask God specifically to make you aware of situations in which people need help. Be obedient and reach out when the need arises.

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