He can … – Day 5

He can surprise us
Bible text(s)
Matthew 7
Ask, Seek, Knock
James 4
During a radio show, Tygerberg104FM’s listeners had the opportunity to send their names and work addresses to the studio in order to win tickets to an event. From the hundreds of messages received, three listeners were selected and surprised at their workplace with tickets.
Following our morning show at Tygerberg104FM, my colleague, Anton Brink and myself were sent out to surprise the first listener, Vernon. He came down to the reception at his work, not knowing who awaited him.
When Vernon realised who we were and why we were there, he was stunned. He later even had to wipe away tears. Vernon, his wife and two daughters wanted to attend the event, but even though he currently works six days a week, they could not afford to buy tickets. During his quiet time with God, he asked Him to do a miracle and make it possible for them. God did. Vernon ended off, “I stood before God with faith. Now I will go back again and thank God for what He has done for us.”
In Matthew 7:7-8, we read: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks it will be opened.” In James 4:2b, we read: “… You have not, because ye ask not.”
We sometimes make the mistake of thinking that we cannot disturb God with the “unimportant” things in our lives. The truth however is that He desires a relationship with us, which means that we can and ought to speak to him about the “unimportant” things in our lives, if it is important to us.
Vernon’s faith to discuss something seemingly “unimportant” (but important to him and his family) with God, caused God to lead us to select him for the surprise visit. Let’s dare to speak to God – and to trust Him. He wants to bestow good things upon our lives. God bless you.
Assignment for the day: Make a list of your desires and speak to God about it. Trust His judgement for your life.