Jesus in the Old Testament - Day 2

God searches for people
Bible text(s)
Genesis 3
The fact that God is searching for people remains one of the greatest miracles and a sign that God is full of grace and love. God is concerned about people. It reflects the essence of God. Jesus Christ came to prove it to us. God became man and lived among us. God searches for lost sinners.
Do you remember Zacchaeus, the tax collector, who climbed a sycamore fig tree to see Jesus? Jesus told him that he wanted to stay with him at his house. It must have been a big surprise for Zacchaeus and all the people around them. He was seen as an outcast and a sinner. Other publicans were certainly not welcome in any religious circles of the time. Yet, Jesus declares that there is salvation for Zacchaeus, because He came to seek and save lost sinners.
That is how God has always been. After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, he called out to them where they were hiding among the trees in the Garden of Eden. This tells us that God is concerned about people. We hear it in God’s question: “Where are you?” This is not a punishing or blaming question, but rather an indication of God who wants to restore the relationship with man.
God’s search for man is so different from the views that people have about him. People generally think that you should fear God and hide from him. Our disobedience causes us to have a wrong conception of God. We feel guilty and then we try to hide it. This means that our relationship with God is no longer spontaneous and natural.
Hear the voice of the Lord today as he gently calls to you, “Where are you?” Do not try to hide from God and do not be afraid of him. God loves you.