Bible Society of South Africa
Louise Gevers

Make a difference – Day 12

Being Impartial Makes a Difference – It’s Holy

Bible text(s)

1 Peter 1

17You call him Father, when you pray to God, who judges all people by the same standard, according to what each one has done; so then, spend the rest of your lives here on earth in reverence for him.

1 Peter 1:17GNBOpen in Bible reader

Genesis 18

25Surely you won't kill the innocent with the guilty. That's impossible! You can't do that. If you did, the innocent would be punished along with the guilty. That is impossible. The judge of all the earth has to act justly.”

Genesis 18:25GNBOpen in Bible reader

James 2

4then you are guilty of creating distinctions among yourselves and of making judgements based on evil motives.

Since you call on a Father who judges each man’s work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. 1 Peter 1:17

Do you remember your favourite team losing an important match, because the referee showed bias; or your friend winning a prize for an essay, when you both had the same mark; or your boss singling someone out for a bonus, when you felt you had proved that you were more competent? These things probably left you feeling angry, depressed and disillusioned.

Favouritism is unfair and leaves scars, as is often seen in families, the church and in the country, generally. God would never do this and is opposed to us doing it. When unholy practices continue, people feel dissatisfied, restless and lose faith. We feel helpless being witnesses to unfairness or a victim of prejudice, and sometimes take matters into our own hands, often unsuccessfully. We should also bear in mind, however, that our opinions are subjective and take into account that there may be other relevant factors not known to us. God will help us to discern this, if we ask for his help, and enable us not to bring him dishonour.

Impartiality can never be guaranteed in this world, because no-one is perfect and no-one can see the big picture, let alone into the heart or mind of another human being! We too are misled by outward appearances, even when we think we are being impartial in a situation. God alone is just because he is “the Judge of all the earth (who does) right” (Genesis 18:25). He levels the playing fields and will bring everyone to justice at the right time.

In his letter, James challenges the believers by asking: “… have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?” (James 2:4). Let’s consider how we would measure up. Do we treat the homeless person in our fellowship as well as we do the best dressed? What about the refugee from another country or those getting on in years? Remember, God looks at the heart.

Peter instructs us to have a deep respect for the LORD, who treats everyone justly, and to live in a way that honours Him. Impartiality is one of God’s characteristics (Romans 2:11), so it’s a valuable and necessary trait to cultivate if we’re serious about pursuing holiness and making a difference. He will help those who truly believe and obey his instructions throughout the Bible.

Will you ask him for help?

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