Bible Society of South Africa
Benescke Janse van Rensburg

New hope (Part 2) – Day 12

New hope … with a positive attitude in life

Bible text(s)

Philippians 4

8In conclusion, my brothers and sisters, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honourable.

Philippians 4:8GNBOpen in Bible reader

Think for a moment about what you think about most. A challenge at work? A financial crisis at home? An illness in the family? Your marriage that is falling apart or your broken heart after a relationship did not work out? The pending restructuring at your company? Your children’s safety? Or maybe a colleague in your office, working on your nerves?

How do you think about it? Is it with a positive attitude, knowing that God is sovereign and in control of the universe, and able to work everything together for the good for those who love him? Or do you tend to focus on the negative, experiencing how your future seems darker by the day?

Here is your assignment for the week – a free therapy session, as Mark Rutherford calls it:

“Create for yourself a few minutes of free therapy daily by at least mentioning ten good things you noticed in other people. You have no idea how fast it will drive out your negativity. But to see the good in others is not an automatic process. You must set your mind to it and keep on looking for it.”

In Philippians 4:8, Paul reminds us that having a positive attitude and outlook in life is a daily conscious choice:

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

So, what are your thoughts on the challenge in your workplace? Do you realise that God can sort it out for you? What about your financial situation? Do you thank him in advance for the financial breakthrough, knowing that all the money in the world belongs to him? He is the Healer who can heal you or a loved one from any illness – even if the doctors do not agree. He can save your marriage if it feels like there is no more hope for it. He can restore your heart after a broken relationship and send someone to cross your path, who is far better for you. He knows your future and if you are retrenched at work, he can help you find the job of your dreams at a new company. He is able to protect your children in the most dangerous situations. And as for that colleague in your office, who is working on your nerves – have you started praying for him or her? You might be amazed at how God can change both of you to get along suddenly, even to form a friendship! God bless.

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