Bible Society of South Africa
Frank Retief

Remember his strength – Day 12

The unpardonable sin

Bible text(s)

Mark 3

28“I assure you that people can be forgiven all their sins and all the evil things they may say. 29But whoever says evil things against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, because he has committed an eternal sin.”

Mark 3:28-29GNBOpen in Bible reader

These are very serious words and ought to be taken very seriously. Yet, it is also true that these words have caused great confusion and concern in the hearts of the very people who cannot commit this sin.

Our Lord was speaking to people who had witnessed great miracles and seen many displays of his power and his claim to be the Son of God. Yet, they had hardened their hearts and refused to receive him. Instead, they accused him of being in league with the devil.

The Holy Spirit is the one who puts Jesus before us, and speaks to our hearts and consciences. To reject these urgings, is to say to Jesus, “I do not want you in my life.” That is what the “teachers of the law” (Mark 3:22) were doing. So, the blasphemy, standing against or rejection of the Holy Spirit does not consist of mere words – for who of us did not at one time reject the Saviour? No! The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is that consistent and stubborn hardening of our hearts that results in a life-long rejection of Christ and his great redemption. To die unrepentant means that there is no salvation, no other choice left. It means to “die lost”.

However, that is not you. You are reading this because you want to hear from him. You seek news of him. You long for more strength to follow him.

I once knew two elderly sisters who were concerned they were doomed, because every time they knelt to pray, their minds were filled with blasphemous thoughts. But no, not even that is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit! That is simply an attack of the devil against sensitive consciences. Sometimes, people with mentally obsessive problems, nervous conditions or psychological needs can be easily persuaded they have committed the ultimate sin.

Please be encouraged – Jesus did not come to condemn but to save.

All those who long to follow him and truly believe in his saving work on the cross, no matter how weak or troubled they may be, will be included in the great new world.

It is only those who keep on rejecting him and his way of salvation, who will be finally lost. Those who insist on trying to save themselves or think they are good enough and, therefore, do not need a Saviour – those are the ones who are in eternal danger.

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