Seven days of inspiration from Revelation - Day 4

Stay faithful to God
Bible text(s)
Revelation 2
The Message to Thyatira
We will always have examples of faith, service and perseverance. There are certainly also times in our own lives when we manage to be faithful to God. However, because society consists of people, there will always be unfaithfulness to God. We also experience it in our personal faith that we fall into sin and disobedience because of our weaknesses.
The reference to Jezebel in this passage reminds us of that. Jezebel seduced King Ahab into idolatry, and took Naboth’s vineyard through lies and murder. Such infidelity can even appear in a religious guise. This is confirmed in the passage by the representation of Jezebel as a prophetess. It is sometimes people and events in the church itself that hurt us the most. On the other hand, we must be careful not to bring others down through our own actions.
People can always turn back to God through God’s grace. It is a lifelong process and we will all bear witness to this constant struggle that rages within us. Although God does not cause it, he can still use suffering to bring people back to him.
It is not easy to remain faithful to God in a wicked world. Sometimes, the pressure to give in to the temptations of the world can become overwhelming. However, God does not expect us to fulfil all kinds of obligations. God’s grace is enough for us and we can hold on to that. Through Jesus Christ’s victory, we also achieve victory over the powers of darkness. As the morning star announces the day after the night, the light of Jesus Christ still shines through the church in the darkness of our time.
Think about:
- 1.How does evil present itself as something good these days?
2. How does God’s light break through in our dark world?