Still I will – Day 10

Still I will remain obedient
Bible text(s)
Deuteronomy 5
Here’s the story of how Project SOS100 started, during which Radio Tygerberg 104fm in the Cape Peninsula raised money to buy feed for farmers’ animals in drought-stricken areas.
On Christmas Day, Adri Williams from a non-governmental organisation, Khayelitsha Cookies, sat with her family and parents at the dining table. Although a feast awaited them, she could not get rid of the thought of many farmers on the same day, struggling to feed their animals due to the drought and their accumulated debt. Some of them did not even have food in their homes. Who was going to look after them? At her suggestion that they should do something, her father at first said: “Adri, you cannot help all the people in our country. Focus on your non-governmental organisation and help the people there.”
The urgency in Adri’s heart grew. She knew it was a command from God. She took the first step of faith. She contacted the organisation, Boere in Nood, to determine where in South Africa the biggest need for animal feed was. She received a sponsorship from MAN Truck and Bus for the transport of the animal feed. She negotiated with suppliers for a cheaper price for feed and then, the biggest step of faith, she took R17 000 of her own, small non-governmental organisation’s money and paid for the feed — in total obedience to God’s command.
With the first delivery of the animal feed, Adri and her father stood next to the truck in Williston and watched how big, proud, hardy farmers wept with gratitude. They could also not control their own emotions. God heard the farmers’ prayers for relief, and her obedience brought hope into their hopeless situation. A week later Radio Tygerberg 104fm got on board and Project SOS100 was officially born.
In Deuteronomy 5:33 we read: “Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.” Also, in 2 Samuel 15:22 God reminds us that obedience is far more valuable to Him than sacrifices. He prefers our obedience to His calling, rather than coming up with good ideas and asking Him to bless it. God-inspired missions are already blessed.