Bible Society of South Africa
Benescke Janse van Rensburg

Still I will – Day 5

Still I will praise Him

Bible text(s)

5Why am I so sad?

Why am I so troubled?

I will put my hope in God,

and once again I will praise him,

my saviour and my God.

Psalms 43:5GNBOpen in Bible reader

12Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times.

Romans 12:12GNBOpen in Bible reader

A few years ago eleven farmers in the drought-stricken Williston area in the Northern Cape came together on the farm Rietfontein. While their hearts were filled with hope that the promised truck filled with feed for their animals was to arrive, they still had their doubts. Would strangers really open their hearts to give something so valuable and needed? On some farms the animals started to die due to starvation linked to the current drought. On other farms, animals had to be put down as the banks began to refuse to lend more money to the farmers to buy feed for the animals due to their accumulated debt. Day in and day out the farmers therefore had to listen to the cries of their hungry animals — while at times they did not even have food in their own homes to put on the table.

A few years ago Radio Tygerberg 104fm, the radio station I am involved with in the Cape Peninsula, in cooperation with Adri Williams of another non-governmental organisation, started a project called SOS100. This project gave listeners an opportunity to contribute to help the farmers in need. Since transportation costs were covered by MAN Truck and Bus and Pick n Pay sponsored grocery hampers for the farmers and their workers, every cent contributed by listeners was used to buy feed for the animals.

We initially hoped that we would at least be able to fill one truck, sending 36 tons of feed for the animals (costing R132 000). Great was our surprise when, before the end of the breakfast show, in which I was involved, we received the news that we had enough money in our bank to send the first truck with feed to Williston. By the end of that morning we had more than a million rand donated and another nine trucks on their way.

With the first sight of the truck turning into the gates of the farm Rietfontein in Williston, amidst the scorching heat of the Karoo, many of the farmers had goosebumps. Others had to swallow hard to get rid of the lump in their throats. God’s light shone into what some thought was a dark, hopeless situation. He heard every desperate prayer the farmers prayed while they walked among their hungry animals or perhaps late at night alone in their farmsteads, or knelt before the only Living God, begging Him for a breakthrough. He not only heard their prayers — He touched listeners around the country to open their hearts to give.

Sometimes we find ourselves in similar situations as the farmers waiting at Rietfontein. We have the promise of a breakthrough on its way, but because it seems too good to be true, we still struggle with doubt and find our souls in turmoil. In Psalm 43:5 the psalmist wrote: “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” And in Romans 12:12 we read: “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

Although we sometimes might feel discouraged if we don’t immediately get a response to our prayers, it is important to choose to continue to praise God and put our hope in Him. He hears every prayer we pray. After all, we read in Revelation 8 that the prayers of the faithful are gathered on earth by the angels, who release it as incense before God’s throne.

Can you imagine the smile on God’s face when the truck drove through the gates at Rietfontein? His children were obedient by giving and the time arrived for relief for those farmers. Your “truck” might be on its way too. Let us continue to praise God for who He is — not just for what we want from Him. God bless.

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