Bible Society of South Africa

Strength For Today – Day 8

- Jesus Heals Many People
- Follow Me
- Jesus Calms a Storm

Bible text(s)

Matthew 15

30Large crowds came to him, bringing with them the lame, the blind, the crippled, the dumb, and many other sick people, whom they placed at Jesus' feet; and he healed them. 31The people were amazed as they saw the dumb speaking, the crippled made whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they praised the God of Israel.

Matthew 15:30-31GNBOpen in Bible reader

Matthew 16

24Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to come with me, he must forget self, carry his cross, and follow me. 25For whoever wants to save his own life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 26Will people gain anything if they win the whole world but lose their life? Of course not! There is nothing they can give to regain their life.

Matthew 16:24-26GNBOpen in Bible reader

Mark 4

37Suddenly a strong wind blew up, and the waves began to spill over into the boat, so that it was about to fill with water. 38Jesus was in the back of the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The disciples woke him up and said, “Teacher, don't you care that we are about to die?”

39Jesus stood up and commanded the wind, “Be quiet!” and he said to the waves, “Be still!” The wind died down, and there was a great calm.

Mark 4:37-39GNBOpen in Bible reader
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