Bible Society of South Africa
Gawie van Jaarsveld

Book of Philippians – Day 7

Joy means being positive about life

Bible text(s)

Philippians 1

To Live is Christ

12I want you to know, my brothers and sisters, that the things that have happened to me have really helped the progress of the gospel. 13As a result, the whole palace guard and all the others here know that I am in prison because I am a servant of Christ. 14And my being in prison has given most of the brothers and sisters more confidence in the Lord, so that they grow bolder all the time to preach the message fearlessly.

15Of course some of them preach Christ because they are jealous and quarrelsome, but others from genuine goodwill. 16These do so from love, because they know that God has given me the work of defending the gospel. 17The others do not proclaim Christ sincerely, but from a spirit of selfish ambition; they think that they will make more trouble for me while I am in prison.

18It does not matter! I am happy about it — so long as Christ is preached in every way possible, whether from wrong or right motives. And I will continue to be happy, 19because I know that by means of your prayers and the help which comes from the Spirit of Jesus Christ I shall be set free.

Philippians 1:12-19GNBOpen in Bible reader

• Which verse or word would you like to reflect about more?
• What do we learn about (a) courage and (b) unselfishness in this passage?

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