Time is precious – Day 17
Let’s follow his timetable
Bible text(s)
Romans 5
From the moment our alarm wakes us in the morning, our daily routine is governed by time. We depend on watches, diaries, computers and mobile phones, etc. to help us harness our time.
Man has come a long way since he used shadow sticks, obelisks and sundials to mark the passing hours by the shadow cast by the sun.
The busier we are, the tighter our time schedule. Time is precious, time is passing and we need to use our time effectively. So, man developed time pieces capable of measuring time in smaller and smaller units.
Maybe instead of being engrossed with our own timetable, we should focus on God’s timetable and plan for our life. That is what Jesus did. Throughout his life, our Lord Jesus Christ obediently followed the divine plan and timetable decreed by his Father.
He made that clear in numerous references:
To his brothers he said: “My time is not yet, for you any time will do” (John 7:6).
To Philip and Andrew our Lord Jesus Christ later disclosed: “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified” (John 12:23).
In the garden of Gethsemane, he prayed: “Abba, Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will” (Mark 14:36).
That should be our departure point, not what we want but what God wants.
We are the ungodly for whom his Son died to save. Let us use our time on earth bringing glory to his name.