Bible Society of South Africa

To The Word – Day 151

Catch-Up Day (Psalms 25–28)

Bible text(s)

Psalms 25

A Prayer for Guidance and Protection

1To you, O LORD, I offer my prayer;

2in you, my God, I trust.

Save me from the shame of defeat;

don't let my enemies gloat over me!

3Defeat does not come to those who trust in you,

but to those who are quick to rebel against you.

4Teach me your ways, O LORD;

make them known to me.

5Teach me to live according to your truth,

for you are my God, who saves me.

I always trust in you.

6Remember, O LORD, your kindness and constant love

which you have shown from long ago.

7Forgive the sins and errors of my youth.

In your constant love and goodness,

remember me, LORD!

8Because the LORD is righteous and good,

he teaches sinners the path they should follow.

9He leads the humble in the right way

and teaches them his will.

10With faithfulness and love he leads

all who keep his covenant and obey his commands.

11Keep your promise, LORD, and forgive my sins,

for they are many.

12Those who have reverence for the LORD

will learn from him the path they should follow.

13They will always be prosperous,

and their children will possess the land.

14The LORD is the friend of those who obey him

and he affirms his covenant with them.

15I look to the LORD for help at all times,

and he rescues me from danger.

16Turn to me, LORD, and be merciful to me,

because I am lonely and weak.

17Relieve me of my worries

and save me from all my troubles.

18Consider my distress and suffering

and forgive all my sins.

19See how many enemies I have;

see how much they hate me.

20Protect me and save me;

keep me from defeat.

I come to you for safety.

21May my goodness and honesty preserve me,

because I trust in you.

22From all their troubles, O God,

save your people Israel!

Psalms 26

The Prayer of a Good Person

1Declare me innocent, O LORD,

because I do what is right

and trust you completely.

2Examine me and test me, LORD;

judge my desires and thoughts.

3Your constant love is my guide;

your faithfulness always leads me.

4I do not keep company with worthless people;

I have nothing to do with hypocrites.

5I hate the company of the evil

and avoid the wicked.

6LORD, I wash my hands to show that I am innocent

and march in worship round your altar.

7I sing a hymn of thanksgiving

and tell of all your wonderful deeds.

8I love the house where you live, O LORD,

the place where your glory dwells.

9Do not destroy me with the sinners;

spare me from the fate of murderers —

10those who do evil all the time

and are always ready to take bribes.

11As for me, I do what is right;

be merciful to me and save me!

12I am safe from all dangers;

in the assembly of his people I praise the LORD.

Psalms 27

A Prayer of Praise

1The LORD is my light and my salvation;

I will fear no one.

The LORD protects me from all danger;

I will never be afraid.

2When evil people attack me and try to kill me,

they stumble and fall.

3Even if a whole army surrounds me,

I will not be afraid;

even if enemies attack me,

I will still trust God.

4I have asked the LORD for one thing;

one thing only do I want:

to live in the LORD's house all my life,

to marvel there at his goodness,

and to ask for his guidance.

5In times of trouble he will shelter me;

he will keep me safe in his Temple

and make me secure on a high rock.

6So I will triumph over my enemies around me.

With shouts of joy I will offer sacrifices in his Temple;

I will sing, I will praise the LORD.

7Hear me, LORD, when I call to you!

Be merciful and answer me!

8When you said, “Come and worship me,”

I answered, “I will come, LORD;

9don't hide yourself from me!”

Don't be angry with me;

don't turn your servant away.

You have been my help;

don't leave me, don't abandon me,

O God, my saviour.

10My father and mother may abandon me,

but the LORD will take care of me.

11Teach me, LORD, what you want me to do,

and lead me along a safe path,

because I have many enemies.

12Don't abandon me to my enemies,

who attack me with lies and threats.

13I know that I will live to see

the LORD's goodness in this present life.

14Trust in the LORD.

Have faith, do not despair.

Trust in the LORD.

Psalms 28

A Prayer for Help

1O LORD, my defender, I call to you.

Listen to my cry!

If you do not answer me,

I will be among those who go down to the world of the dead.

2Hear me when I cry to you for help,

when I lift my hands towards your holy Temple.

3Do not condemn me with the wicked,

with those who do evil —

those whose words are friendly,

but who have hatred in their hearts.

4Punish them for what they have done,

for the evil they have committed.

Punish them for all their deeds;

give them what they deserve!

5They take no notice of what the LORD has done

or of what he has made;

so he will punish them

and destroy them for ever.

6Give praise to the LORD;

he has heard my cry for help.

7The LORD protects and defends me;

I trust in him.

He gives me help and makes me glad;

I praise him with joyful songs.

8The LORD protects his people;

he defends and saves his chosen king.

9Save your people, LORD,

and bless those who are yours.

Be their shepherd,

and take care of them for ever.

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