Day 16: God works in ORIGINAL ways – 2 March 2020

By Benescke Janse van Rensburg
Bible text(s)
James 1
Proverbs 3
Isaiah 30
Do you stand at a crossroad where you need a supernatural strategy from God for a specific situation in your life? Are you willing to stay obedient to God even if it does not make sense?
Gideon had to send away 32,000 men in order to enter into a battle with only 300 men. They were completely outnumbered. Yet, because he stayed obedient to God’s strategy, they were victorious (Judges 7).
Moses and the Israelites found themselves in a tight spot. Behind them were the dreaded Egyptians. In front of them was the roaring sea. Because Moses was obedient to God’s strategy to hit the water with his walking stick, a path went open so they could walk through the sea on dry ground (Exodus 14).
David experienced the value of asking God for His original strategy in every situation. Just after David was anointed as King of Israel, the Philistines mobilized all their forces to capture him in the Valley of Rephaim. Instead of just listening to his wise counsellors, David turned to God. He wanted to know if they had to engage in the battle. Also, which strategy should they follow? God answered and they obeyed the strategy. They were victorious.
Shortly thereafter, the Philistines returned to the exact location for a second battle. David and his army could easily have followed the previous strategy. After all, it worked. David did not do it. He went back to God. Should we engage in the battle and if so, with which strategy? This time God gave them a totally different strategy. They followed it and was even more victorious than the first time (2 Samuel 5: 17-25).
In James 1:5, we read: “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” Also in Proverbs 3:5-6, we read: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” And in Isaiah 30:21, we are reminded that the Holy Spirit guides us daily, “Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you, a voice will say ‘This is the way you should go,’ whether to the right or to the left.”
God’s strategies are ORIGINAL and creative. What worked in the past in your marriage, in your relationship with your children, in the workplace, in your finances or even with your health, may not work this time. Let’s learn from David and go back to God for His original strategy for each situation. He can and wants to help us to be victorious. God bless.
Father God, thank you for your wisdom in every situation that I found myself in. Please help me with wisdom (name the area in your life). Also help me to stay obedient – even if it seems hard. I ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen