God is still God in silence – 19 November 2020

By Benescke Janse van Rensburg
Bible text(s)
Isaiah 41
Psalms 46
During the week I received an email from a reader, thanking me for the devotions and testimonies, but then added: “Why does God not answer my prayers? Why does He feel so far away from me? ” Are you there today too? Do you question God’s presence during your difficult season?
Every sound in the dark forest made the young boy’s heart miss a beat. The animal calls sent a shiver down his spine. In the tribe he belonged to, it was custom for the boys to spend the night of their thirteenth birthday alone in the forest. This would make him a man. Time and time again, however, he had to fight not to jump up and run to safety. The thought that he would disappoint his family by doing this kept him in the forest.
Only with the first sunlight the next morning did the surprised boy notice a figure some distance away on a rock. It was his father with his gun in his hand. During the dark night when the boy was sweating from fear, he did not know that his father was there watching over him.
At times in our lives we too feel stuck in a dark, scary forest. We pray for a relationship to recover, but it feels as if it is just falling apart more and more. We pray for our finances to recover, but it’s getting harder to pay bills. Or we pray for a good health report, but the results show deterioration. These things are like the wolves crying in the dark forest. It is the enemy’s snare to make us believe that God does not hear us.
The reality is that God, our Heavenly Father, is watching over us. In Isaiah 41:13 He says: “ I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Also in Psalm 46:10 we find advice for those difficult, “quiet” seasons: “Be still, and know that I am God.”
May we remember that God never sleeps nor slumbers. He watches over us and He still hears our prayers! God bless.
Prayer: Father God, thank You for being much closer to us than it sometimes feels. Help me to place my faith and trust in You and not in people or things. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen