Redeeming time: Letting the Bible speak – 14 July 2020

By Louise Gevers
Bible text(s)
Jeremiah 17
Winter is a delight in the Western Cape, when the rains come, because almost overnight the abundant water revives the brown, lacklustre vegetation of the hot, dry summer, and makes it luxuriantly green again. Throughout the year, there are always some trees and shrubs that remain verdant, beautiful and untouched, however, even during drought. These remind me of the tree described in today’s verse, whose leaves are always green because its roots are constantly being replenished from the source, as they tap into the water.
The Bible speaks into all seasons in our lives. For the person, “who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD”, his replenishment comes from Jesus, Himself, the source of Living Water (John 4:10) which will never be exhausted, because He is the eternal Word. He was there, “In the beginning … was with God, and … was God.” (John 1:1) Those who allow their roots to tap deep into Him will be well-watered and vibrant at all times – not escaping the heat of the lockdown and its difficulties – but strengthened in hope and fruitful in all seasons in the things that count in God’s Kingdom.
Regular, undistracted reading of the Bible acquaints us with God’s voice, and is the key to providing answers that apply to us, as it unlocks the record of God’s interaction with mankind. Paul commends God’s Word to Timothy as, “God-breathed and … useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16,17)
Learning to listen to God is vital and, once again, time and faithfulness are essential ingredients to facilitate this. In faith we come to God, who is unseen, and speak to Him confident that He will hear us no matter what language we speak; but we are not always as sure that we will hear Him speaking to us.
Yet, the more time we spend reading the Bible, the more we can open our minds to its truth and the power of the Holy Spirit to equip us in all wisdom. We gain a better understanding of God, and a greater awareness of His “still small voice” in our lives. This brings us peace in dark times, and courage in the heat of the drought as we hold onto His Word and the power of His promises to sustain us.
Does the Bible speak to you?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, Living Word, You are the Source of life, the One who sustains us through every trial as we draw our strength and encouragement from You. May we hear all that You say to us in the Bible, that our time together may enrich our lives. Amen