Unswerving Hope – 31 August 2020
By Xanthe Hancox
Bible text(s)
Hebrews 10
The book of Hebrews tells us how Jesus Christ makes it possible for a holy God to have a loving relationship with his unholy people. Jesus has become our perfect priest, having made a sacrifice of himself so that all God’s people might be united with him. In today’s verses the writer turns to talk about our response to God’s gracious love in Christ. If God has done all this for us, how should we live?
One way is to live in hope – unswerving hope. But even here, as the writer turns to talk about what we should do, it’s clear that unswerving hope is possible only because of the faithfulness of God. It is possible to hope in the promises of God because God keeps his promises. It is possible to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess because God, who promised the things we hope for, is faithful to keep those promises.
The writer of Hebrews also counsels his readers to continue meeting together regularly to encourage one other. Worshiping or gathering with other Christians is an important way to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess. Other Christians are a valuable gift from God to encourage us in hope.
Do you meet regularly with other believers? The current pandemic means that many Christians cannot meet for formal church services in a building the way we did six months ago, but there are other ways to meet. It could be a small gathering outdoors, virtual gatherings online, or even just a phone call to encourage you in your faith so that we may hold to our hope unswervingly.
Prayer: Lord, help us to stay true to the hope you have given us in Jesus Christ. Surround us with other Christians who will encourage us in this life of hope. Amen