Bible Society of South Africa

God’s light changes everything – 11 November 2021

By Benescke Janse van Rensburg

Bible text(s)

1 John 1:15GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 44

3Your people did not conquer the land with their swords;

they did not win it by their own power;

it was by your power and your strength,

by the assurance of your presence,

which showed that you loved them.

Psalms 44:3GNBOpen in Bible reader

It has caught me off guard twice lately. The first time was when I had just put a dish in the oven for dinner. Yesterday morning it was after I climbed out of the shower with soaking wet hair. Load shedding. Darkness. Frustration.

Load shedding reminds me of how quickly challenging situations darken our lives – news of a spouse’s extramarital affair, a child being diagnosed with a dreaded illness, retrenchment at work or even a special relationship souring. When bad things suddenly cross our paths, we must fight against the darkness that wants to rob us of our power (and even our faith).

Have you ever been there? Are you maybe there today?

In 1 John 1:5 we read, “God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” Also in Psalm 44:3 the Psalmist wrote: “They did not conquer the land with their swords; it was not their own strong arm that gave them victory. It was your right hand and strong arm and the blinding light from your face that helped them, for you loved them.”

We do not achieve victory over challenging situations or dark emotions out of our own power. It is only when we invite God into the situation, as His Light dispels darkness. It is through His power and presence in our lives that we look at life through our eyes. God is still able to produce something good out of even the darkest, most frustrating situations. May we continue to trust Him to do just that. God bless.

Prayer: Father God, thank You that I can look to You in challenging situations, knowing that You love me. Please shine Your light into (name your challenging situation). I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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