Ruth: the servant – 12 August 2021

By Xanthe Hancox
Bible text(s)
Ruth 1
Ruth had the opportunity to rebuild her life. After her husband died, her mother-in-law, Naomi, gave Ruth permission to return to her home and her family. Naomi had no way to financially provide for her daughter-in-law. She had no other sons for her to marry, and no husband to provide for them.
If I was in Ruth’s position, and I had the option to return to a family who would welcome me and comfort me in my grief, would I take it? When the alternative was to stay with Naomi, travel to an unfamiliar land with new people and new customs, would I stay? If I’m honest, probably not.
But Ruth was steadfast in her love for Naomi. She sacrificed a life that she knew for a life of uncertainty. Naomi couldn’t promise Ruth a comfortable future with a husband or financial security. But still, Ruth went with her. She remained faithful to Naomi, and pledged her faithfulness to the Lord.
Because of that faithfulness, Ruth was ultimately blessed with a husband named Boaz. Together, they had a child named Obed, whose son was Jesse — the father of King David.
Ruth couldn’t have known that by following Naomi she would someday be blessed by being a part of the Messiah’s family. As Hebrews 11:1 states, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” How often do we practice the kind of faith Ruth had?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for the promise you have made to us to be our God. Help us to be your people. In your name, Amen