The Spirit is with us in our weakness – 18 May 2021

By Carina Francke
Bible text(s)
Romans 8
The husband of a friend of mine was hospitalised for a serious stroke during the pandemic. He was in a coma for the duration of his stay in hospital and no visitors were allowed. For friends and family, prayer was the only “action” that made any sense, but the “right” words for the “right” prayer just would not come. The only audible sounds one could hear were one’s own sighs and groans. Prayer in words was non-existent.
Maybe you have found yourself in a similar situation recently. Your words are incoherent, make no sense, and communicate little or nothing of the wrestling going on in your mind and heart. You even stopped trying to pray. But soon, your sighs and groans make you feel like a weak or temperamental believer. In moments of despair like these, the following promise from the Word, should be your reality: “The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” (Romans 8:26)
Do you get it? The Holy Spirit that is in you and with you hears your sighs. As a matter of fact, He not only hears you but pleads with the Father for you and with you. And guess how? With sighs that cannot be expressed in words! God knows man inside out – hence, the Holy Spirit’s appeals without words on our behalf and it is always acceptable to God, because it is in accordance with His will. Said differently, He ensures that your sighs, prayers, and groans are “correctly understood” by God. “And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. (Romans 8:27)
When you experience those moments of powerlessness and emotional silence in your prayers remember this truth from the Word – Jesus is our intercessor in heaven (Hebrews 7:25), in the same way the Holy Spirit is our intercessor on earth, in our hearts. (Romans 8:27)
Prayer: Heavenly Father, from your immeasurable grace, please forgive my every doubting moment and battered faith that so often make me forget that God IS, Jesus Christ IS and the Holy Spirit IS the great “I Am”. Amen