Bible Society of South Africa

Don’t just stumble forth – 26 August 2022

By Fanie Richter

Bible text(s)

Jeremiah 29

11I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.

Jeremiah 29:11GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 33

11But his plans endure for ever;

his purposes last eternally.

Psalms 33:11GNBOpen in Bible reader

How many people’s prayers have been answered through you? You are here for a reason, not just to consume oxygen and enjoy life. Because God is a God with a purpose who has a plan for each of our lives.

God works through people and the purpose for which you are destined matters. But it only makes sense if you focus on your destination’s itinerary and learn to understand it. God’s plan for our lives encompasses and builds on important aspects of your life, mine and others’ lives.

Your destination also gives direction and meaning to your life. It provides framework for the expectation. And together with your gifts, talents and what you do with them, your identity is determined – by which you understand yourself correctly and for which you are also recognised and appreciated. When we complement each other in this way, it creates stability and fulfilment in our shared path of life.

Therefore, you are important and your life becomes significant as you fulfil your purpose – that for which you were created. And God’s plan with your life does not only affect you – it’s important to others as well, and theirs to you.

And on this journey, he uses circumstances and experiences in your life to develop the good in you and even turns the negative into a positive, for example, in the life of Joseph (Genesis 50:20) – in order to achieve your purpose in life. Therefore, if you still feel unfulfilled, pay attention to the process God is undertaking.

Prayer: Creator God, Wonderful Counselor, Eternal Father – please lead me in your light on this path. And give me insight and understanding, and help me to respond to your purpose properly. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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