Fear – 15 December 2022

By Carina Francke
Bible text(s)
Psalms 23
The Bible is full of examples of people who experienced the authentic human emotion of fear. No living human being can dodge this emotion, not even believers. Yes, even David, the man after God’s own heart, as well as Jesus’ disciples experienced this emotion somewhere on their life’s journey. David though, channelled his fear by declaring his guaranteed safety – the Lord’s ever-present presence! Even in the darkest of depths, it is there, in the Lord’s hands alone, where he knows he is completely safe (Psalm 23:4).
Did you know that God’s presence is also the safe house for believers? Jesus declared that we, his flock of sheep, know his voice, we listen to his voice and we follow him. He gives us eternal life and no one can snatch us out of the Father’s hand (John 10:28-29). The question to you though is, are you familiar with your place of safety with him?
In one of his poems, David admits that he feared when the Philistines took him captive in Gad. What did he do? He put his trust in God. Then, tongue in cheek, he asks, “What can mortal man do to me?” (Psalm 56:4)
The evening of the day Jesus fed five thousand people; he sent his disciples in a boat to go ahead of him to the other side. Terrified when seeing Jesus walking on the lake, a little bit later that evening, his disciples cried out: “It’s a ghost!” (Matthew 14:26). True to his nature, he set their minds at ease: “Take courage! It is I! Do not be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27)
The bigger problem though is what do you do when the unseen is the cause of terror or fear in you? You know the scenario. It is that emotion or feeling that you are not necessarily linking to an incident, but it disturbs your night’s rest, ignites shortness of breath and heats up your body as if with a flame. In addition, when you wake up, you know that fear, anxiousness, nervousness or anguish, are trying their best to pitch tent in your heart and spirit. Hear God’s word: Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).
At the same time, in faith, tie your spirit to these living, powerful words: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7).
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you that you have banned the unwelcome spirit of fear from your children’s lives. Thank you that the Spirit you gave us fills us with power, godly love and self-control! Fear need not run us wild; you are with us, always. Amen