God’s beloved people, bought by the precious blood of Christ – 11 April 2022

By Ewald Schmidt
Bible text(s)
1 Peter 1
What is an item worth? It is worth what somebody is willing to pay for it. A good friend of mine was disappointed recently. He wanted to sell his car ‘voetstoots’. He went to a dealer to find out what the book value would be. But when he tried to advertise the car himself, he only got offers for a third of the book value of his car. The market value is what people are willing to pay for an item.
As human beings, we also have an intrinsic value. We have our own opinion of what we are worth. Some of us have been through the mill of life, and may think our worth has diminished. Others may have an elevated view of their own worth. But remember, when we read Peter’s letter, he is writing to Christians in a time of tribulation. At the time, they were cruelly persecuted for their faith, and perhaps under the impression that their lives did not have any value any more. But, because they called on a Father who loved them, Peter had some very encouraging words …
Believers are worth more than perishable things like silver or gold. These are the items the world uses to measure someone’s worth. People toil and sweat to have a little bit more gold in this life. But these earthly treasures cannot be taken with us when we die. The good news is that we are much more valuable in God’s eyes than silver or gold. Our worth in heaven is not measured by what we own, or don’t own.
Our worth is determined by the price God was willing to pay for us. He already had the right of ownership, because he had created us. But he demonstrated his love for us even more when Jesus came to be the Lamb without blemish or defect, being sacrificed in our place. This was the most expensive transaction ever in history! The Son of God’s life was traded for mine. This is the price God was willing to pay for me. This is my worth in God’s eyes. I am more precious to him than silver or gold. Therefore, it is fitting for me to be humble. I do not need to think more of myself than I am supposed to, it is God’s grace that has set me free. I also do not need to think less of myself than I am supposed to, because no one is more precious in God’s eyes than me. And you! What is required of me is to live a new life honouring God. A life filled with gratitude, a life of dedicated service to God. Through the death and resurrection of Christ, I am a new person. My faith and hope are in God. This knowledge carries me through the times of being a foreigner in a strange land …
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for your amazing grace! Thank you that you traded your life for mine on the cross at Calvary. Thank you that you became the Lamb of God, without blemish or defect, to pay the price for me. You dearly bought me, help me to live my life as a living sacrifice to you. Amen