Bible Society of South Africa

Live and serve in God’s kingdom (2) – 31 August 2022

By Fanie Richter

Bible text(s)

Matthew 13

The Parable of the Mustard Seed

31Jesus told them another parable: “The Kingdom of heaven is like this. A man takes a mustard seed and sows it in his field. 32It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it grows up, it is the biggest of all plants. It becomes a tree, so that birds come and make their nests in its branches.”

Matthew 13:31-32GNBOpen in Bible reader

What is the mustard-seed effect on your faith and life?

Jesus teaches his followers to see life from the right perspective – first, he wants us to understand how he intended life to be, and secondly, that we will attain this purpose and enjoy it. Quintessentially, it is as though he says, “My kingdom is like something small that I planted and because of my power grows and gives living space as well as a way of life – so that it can be a blessing to all.”

Unfortunately, one often thinks that what one can do may not be significant. But, in fact, Jesus seems to be saying, “What seems impossible to you, I make possible – through what I have planted in you and want to grow and develop.”

What capability and potential have been planted in you – for which kingdom opportunities? Do not allow doubt to limit your faith and vision. Do not underestimate yourself. Or do you perhaps underestimate God’s ability in your life? You ought to fulfil the things that he has purposed for and through you, in a successful and significant way, with God!

The Lord’s work in and through you is a dynamic process – growth and movement under his dominion – transformation – so that people can share in the blessings of the kingdom. The King’s intentions and plans are good.

The point is: God calls and uses ordinary people. God creates dynamics, as with a small mustard seed, also in and through you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, take control of my life and give me insight. Please create and achieve what you desire through me. And thank you that it will be good for me and others. Amen

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