Open invitation – 17 March 2022

By Xanthe Hancox
Bible text(s)
Luke 14
Again and again this month we have discovered the lavish grace of God in the parables of Jesus. But on whom does God pour his abundant mercy? God loves even those whom no one else would consider.
In today’s parable, those invited to the great feast replied with flimsy excuses. They were more concerned about their own affairs than about honouring the invitation of their friend and attending his special banquet.
Are any of us like that? When God invites us to join in his great celebration, do we turn a cold shoulder? Do we set our own agendas and priorities and neglect to listen to what the Holy Spirit wants from us?
Thankfully the parable does not end there. God continually invites more guests until his feast is fully attended. Like a census worker hunting for every hidden citizen, God searches the city streets and the alleys, where the displaced and the drifters live. Then he heads out of the city into the remote rural areas to invite those who are further displaced and disadvantaged. No one is left uninvited except those who cross out their own names.
We are like the servant who brings the invitation. We have the privilege of looking for opportunities to invite our neighbours and friends to know Jesus. Don’t leave anyone off your invitation list! God doesn’t.
Prayer: Lord, I praise you for your salvation and the fellowship of your people. Show me who I can pray for and invite to know you. Amen