Christmas is kingdom time - 9 December 2024

By Ben Fourie
Bible text(s)
Daniel 2
Luke 1
The dream that Nebuchadnezzar had is probably one of the most well-known stories in the Old Testament. In the dream, he saw a giant statue made of gold, silver, copper, iron and clay, and wanted to know what this disturbing dream might mean. God revealed the meaning of the dream to Daniel in a vision and he told Nebuchadnezzar what God had revealed to him. The dream was about the present and future, and depicted four kingdoms. If we look at historical facts, these four kingdoms were Babylonian, Persian, Greek-Macedonian and the Roman Empire. However, there is a fifth kingdom, the most important one, the one that will never end.
When we compare the first four kingdoms with the one that was established by the birth of Jesus, we find the following:
The first four kingdoms all had worldly rulers who, according to history, were mostly despots. Their kingdoms were characterised by war, violence and bloodshed. In contrast, we know that the kingdom of God is one of peace. The angels told the shepherds, according to Luke 2:14, “… and peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased!” That means you and I.
Secondly, the four kingdoms are temporary and transitory. This is true of all earthly kingdoms and governments. In contrast, God’s kingdom will never end, as we read in the book of Daniel and hear it when the angel announced the birth of Jesus to Mary. It is, therefore, untouchable.
What does this mean to us when we celebrate the coming of the Messiah again this year? The most important is to know that the kingdom of God in not from this world. It is present in the world, but on a spiritual level. This kingdom does not bring an end to all wars, but it is meant to bring real peace in the hearts and lives of all believers, and give us a vision of eternal life.
Prayer: Thank you Lord that the peace of your kingdom is there for me to enjoy. Please use me to bring some of your peace to the place where I work and live. Amen