Bible Society of South Africa

Don’t live for the applause of people - 1 November 2024

By Ewald Schmidt

Bible text(s)

Matthew 6

Teaching about Charity

1“Make certain you do not perform your religious duties in public so that people will see what you do. If you do these things publicly, you will not have any reward from your Father in heaven.

Matthew 6:1GNBOpen in Bible reader

Good morning, dear friends! In this month’s Verse-a-day, we will continue our journey through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, which we find in Matthew 5–7. When Jesus begins his earthly ministry, mankind is desperately searching for a meaningful relationship with God. There was a lot of religious activity going on at the time. Everyone in Israel knew about the Pharisees – a party of religious zealots who thought they had the only path to God. They enforced their own version of the Law of Moses and were always busy preaching, praying, fasting and rebuking in the public eye.

The Gospel of Matthew tells of many encounters between Jesus and the Pharisees. Time and again, Jesus showed the emptiness of their system of belief. They were so entangled in their own rules that they missed the most important of all – to live in a personal and loving relationship with God. Jesus would describe them as hypocrites, as whitewashed tombs that looked good from the outside, but were dead and unclean on the inside (Matthew 23:27-28).

When Jesus begins his ministry, he brings new life when he teaches about the kingdom of God. The Pharisees practised their religious duties in public, to be seen and admired by the people around them. Jesus warns that such a public display is not what God wants from us.

God rewards the person who loves him and who chooses to walk the journey of life with him. A believer in Christ does not practise his or her faith to be seen and applauded by people. They want to live a life of dedication and obedience to God. They care about the praise and recognition of God. This is the life that is rewarded by God, this is the lifestyle that brings God’s favour.

We find true life and peace in Jesus. Our Lord Jesus desires to walk with us on our journey of life. He wants to guide us into a deeper experience of his love and grace. The power of this relationship is not for public display, to be seen by people. He meets us in the quiet of our inner room, our special meeting place with him. In this month’s daily devotions, we are invited to come into his presence and to grow in the depths of his love through his Word.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are humble and gracious of heart. You invite me to come and walk beside you on my journey of life. And I choose to walk beside you, not to be seen and applauded by people, but to grow in love and obedience in your grace. Thank you that you have seen me and chosen me to experience the journey of faith. Amen


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