Bible Society of South Africa

Keep your spirit up in difficult times … Continue to live in the light – 17 March 2023

By Charlea Grey

Bible text(s)

Ephesians 5

8You yourselves used to be in the darkness, but since you have become the Lord's people, you are in the light. So you must live like people who belong to the light, 9for it is the light that brings a rich harvest of every kind of goodness, righteousness, and truth.

Ephesians 5:8-9GNBOpen in Bible reader

About two weeks ago, there was a story in the news about a traffic officer from Cape Town who carried a little boy on her back, while she was working on a car accident scene. The people who saw the photo of the woman, on social media, initially assumed that she had taken her own child to work. It later came to light that the boy on her back, a two-year-old, was involved in the accident.

While the child’s mother was trapped inside the car, the traumatised little boy, who was freed from the car together with his 11-year-old brother, started crying uncontrollably. The traffic officer, Andisiwe Gxabuza, finally tied the two-year-old on her back with a sheet she got from the emergency services. Apparently, it calmed him down. Andisiwe continued with her work. Later, during a meeting of the Cape Town Metro’s portfolio committee on safety and security, she was honoured for her actions.

This particular news report made my day when I read it, especially after a challenging week. What a beautiful story!

We are often confronted with bad news and, recently, we read especially about the abuse of power and people who cripple our country’s resources for their own gain. That is why stories about good people stand out – stories about good deeds remind us that there are many people who live in the light.

Not every good deed or good person is going to make the news – that’s just how it is. However, good deeds make the world a better place, it encourages, it gives hope. That is why we must continue to live in the light, just like Andisiwe.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for so many people who live in the light. Help me also to live in the light every day, to the glory of your name, and to keep doing the right things. Amen

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