Bible Society of South Africa

Lessons of motherhood: Life is an adventure full of grace - 15 April 2024

By Charlea Grey

Bible text(s)

Numbers 6

24May the LORD bless you and take care of you;

25May the LORD be kind and gracious to you;

Numbers 6:24-25GNBOpen in Bible reader

As I wondered about what I wanted to write about next, I could not help but think about the hordes of life lessons and lessons about love that I learn from my little girl every day. I have written in the past about the challenges of a new baby in the house and how it changed my outlook on life.

Those lessons did not stop, of course.

Our little girl will be two in three months. I am amazed at how time has flown and cannot believe we have made it thus far. When I look back on her short journey of life, I see God’s grace. I see the help, love and advice of family and friends. I also see my own tears, insecurities and intense fears – larger than I have ever experienced. I see highlights, great joy and milestones. I see an adventure.

One of the most amazing things that I experience through the dark brown eyes of an almost two-year-old is that life is an enormous adventure. There is so much to experience and discover. And, there is truly joy in the simplest of moments, like when you realise you can tickle your grandparents’ cat and she can tickle you back if she presses her soft nose to your hand. Or when you are pushed in a shopping trolley and wave at everyone in passing. Or even better – when you discover there are little shopping trolleys that children can push themselves! (Even though you can barely see over the top.)

I have, so often, made the mistake of thinking that life is only an adventure if you do exciting things and travel to exotic places.

Now, when we play with clay or colour in together at the coffee table in our living room, I get so carried away that, for a few minutes, I forget about all the adult things that can make me so tired and discouraged at times. I put my cellphone aside for a while and I rediscover small, simple moments with my loved ones. I laugh at our game of chase, and hide and seek in the house. I enjoy cookies and tea. And then I realise again, life is truly an adventure. Life is exciting and beautiful, even here at home, in our living room and on our stoep. And those moments, that is God’s grace.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for this life that we can experience every day. Help me to notice and appreciate the beauty of life anew, and to remember you are with us on this incredible adventure. Amen

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