Bible Society of South Africa

The forgotten spiritual discipline of fasting - 18 November 2024

By Ewald Schmidt

Bible text(s)

Matthew 6

Teaching about Fasting

16“And when you fast, do not put on a sad face as the hypocrites do. They neglect their appearance so that everyone will see that they are fasting. I assure you, they have already been paid in full. 17When you go without food, wash your face and comb your hair, 18so that others cannot know that you are fasting — only your Father, who is unseen, will know. And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you.

Matthew 6:16-18GNBOpen in Bible reader

We all are well versed in the spiritual discipline of reading the Word of God. That is why you are reading this daily devotional. We have also spent some time in the discipline of prayer, sitting at Jesus’ feet when he taught the Lord’s Prayer. But there is another spiritual discipline that tends to be forgotten in some Christian traditions. It is the discipline of fasting.

To fast means to abstain from food, drink or other practices you usually indulge in, for a time, for spiritual reasons. To abstain from eating for a certain period is the best-known form of fasting. The time that you would have used to prepare your meal, you rather choose to spend with the Lord in prayer. By fasting, you break out of your daily routine. Yes, the hunger pains will soon be felt. In the experience of hunger, a new awareness arises of how good God is, providing in the food you usually eat. It creates a new sense of gratitude and an increased awareness of your dependency of God. You become more aware of the presence of God. And it brings such joy when you can break the fast at the end of that period.

Fasting can be more than abstaining from food. You can choose to abstain from certain habits for a while, like choosing not to watch television or to put away your electronic devices for a while to spend more time with the Lord.

Jesus says that true fasting is not done for public display, the way that the Pharisees practised it. They would walk around in public with disfigured faces, to show the community how much they suffered for their faith. Jesus said they have already received their reward in full. There are no benefits in fasting if it is done for the wrong reasons.

Fasting is not a mystic gift for a select few or a way to get a hold on God. Forcing God to give you what you want does not give more strength to your prayer. However, fasting breaks the deadly hold of our daily existence. It makes us more aware of the presence of God, when we spend more time seeking his face. It creates an opportunity to re-evaluate our priorities in life. We become more aware of God’s providence in the multitude of blessings we receive each day. Our gratitude grows. Furthermore, the medical profession is becoming more aware of the health benefits that fasting can bestow on us. When you are fasting in silence, focusing on your need for God’s presence, your heavenly Father will meet you around your need and he will reward you.

Prayer: Lord, you are worth more than life itself to me. When I fast, I want to break out of my daily routine for a while and spend more time with you. I want to grow in my dependency on you and in my gratitude for all your blessings. Amen

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