The unknown Jesus - 5 December 2024

By Ben Fourie
Bible text(s)
Luke 2
Every year, the children of a certain church stage a nativity play in the church hall. At one of these plays, the boy chosen to play the part of the innkeeper was a gentle boy who loved people. When Joseph and Mary came looking for a place at his inn, he became so involved in the story that he felt very bad to tell these two tired people that his inn was fully booked. Apparently, his words to them was: “I am so sorry that I do not have a room for you, but don’t you want to come in for something to drink before you go on your way again?”
The real Joseph and Mary certainly did not get such a hearty welcome that day in Bethlehem. The census that was called by Emperor Augustus was something big and the town was packed with people. Coming from Nazareth, they were probably not well known in Bethlehem. Everybody was so busy anyway, they did not worry too much about the tired young couple, even when they noticed that the young woman was pregnant. The only lodging they could find was a stable.
I always wonder what the reaction would have been if they could just have known that the child that was to be born that night was the Messiah they were longing for. How different would their reaction have been! This poses a big question for me as well. What is my reaction? Have the many Christmases that I have celebrated, maybe, blunted my own reaction, not only for what Christmas means, but for the many people who stand before my inn?
Every day of our lives, and certainly this coming Christmas, Jesus comes to us as somebody. I often might look past him in my relationship with my life partner, my child or parent. Maybe, I do not recognise him when I look at my colleague at the place where I work or at the person who is cleaning my house. He may even be the stranger behind the pay point in the supermarket.
The story of the boy in the play is very sweet, but it conveys a very valuable lesson. Let us all invite people into our lives to help them meet the child of Bethlehem, who is still a stranger to so many.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, please help me to convey your love to all the people in my life, those near to me and those I meet from time to time. Amen