Bible Society of South Africa

Time: Do you really have time for God? - 26 April 2024

By Charlea Grey

Bible text(s)

Revelation 3

20Listen! I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with them, and they will eat with me.

Revelation 3:20GNBOpen in Bible reader

When life gets hectic, then it is often our time with God that takes a knock.

This is when rhymes are rattled off before dinner and Facebook or Instagram is so often scrolled through before bed, while the Bible remains in the drawer. A final conversation with God only happens when you are already in bed – incoherent – while you actually start to doze off and sleep before you can even say amen.

What about church? It is so nice when you can sleep late on a Sunday and then go somewhere for brunch. Oh yes, Sundays are also useful for shopping.

Yes, I am also guilty of all the above, more often than I would like to actually admit. So yes, that is quite an uncomfortable truth.

The answer is simple: we need to make more time for God.

If you and I want to have a relationship with God that grows, develops and really deepens, then we have to change our habits. If I want to hear God’s voice more clearly in my life, if I want to know what his will is for me and to have clarity about the path I must walk, I have to open my Bible. I need to talk to God, openly and honestly, when I am awake.

I know that what I am saying now could easily sound like a series of strict rules. But I think, and I say this because I have experienced it myself over and over again, when we make time for God, really make time for God, then it is good for us. It has a positive impact, no matter how difficult life’s challenges can feel sometimes.

When I regularly pray to God about the things that bother me, then those things no longer feel so heavy. If I read the Bible before going to bed, instead of browsing social media, I feel calmer and less dissatisfied. If I go to church and listen to a good sermon, then my mind is enriched. Not only because of the sermon, but also because I find myself in the midst of people who worship and believe with me. Then, I often have renewed courage for the week ahead.

When I really make time for God, life feels more manageable and meaningful. Yes, sometimes life feels dark and sad, and then you may not know right away where to find God. But listen closely: he knocks. All you need to do is to open the door.

Prayer: Lord, I am sorry that I make excuses so easily and do not spend as much time with you as I should. Help me to change my life. I want to speak to you, I want to hear your word. Help me to put you first in my life. Amen

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