Bible Society of South Africa

Trust in God’s faithfulness - 3 February 2025

By Ruanne van Zyl

Bible text(s)

Psalms 23

The LORD our Shepherd

1The LORD is my shepherd;

I have everything I need.

Psalms 23:1GNBOpen in Bible reader

The Psalms is one of the most beautiful and powerful books in the Bible. It speaks to the heart of man – in times of joy, pain, doubt and hope. The psalms remind us that God is with us not only in our joy, but also in our most difficult moments. Psalm 23, one of the most famous passages, portrays God as a shepherd – someone who cares, protects and guides.

A shepherd knows each of his sheep personally. Likewise, God knows you and me, with all our strengths and weaknesses. In our modern lives, full of worries about work, health and relationships, we can easily feel like things are out of control. Yet, when we fall back on the truth of Psalm 23, we are reminded that God never leaves us alone. His care and provision are always there, even if the future seems uncertain.

Psalm 23:4 says, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me …” It is heartening to know that God is carrying us through our darkest times. We have nothing to fear because his presence gives us peace beyond understanding. Even when we cannot see the outcome, God is working in the background to restore and develop us.

This psalm also reminds us that God is preparing for our abundance: “ … my cup overflows” (verse 5). This means that God not only meets our basic needs, but he fills our lives with abundance and blessings, in ways that we do not always expect.

If you are struggling with worry or doubt today, remind yourself of God’s faithfulness. Trust in him as your shepherd and know that he will lead you into green pastures and rest by calm waters. Your circumstances may not change immediately, but your heart can rest in his peace. He walks with you every step of the way – always and in all circumstances.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for being my shepherd and for never leaving me alone. Help me to trust that you will always guide and care for me, even when things are tough. Today, give me the courage and faith to rest in your peace. Amen

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