Bible Society of South Africa

Twenty-two people in the Bible who had to be more patient than you: Job - 2 August 2023

By Xanthe Hancox

Bible text(s)

Job 1

21He said, “I was born with nothing, and I will die with nothing. The LORD gave, and now he has taken away. May his name be praised!”

Job’s story is a profound example of enduring faith in the face of immense suffering. The trials he endured were both staggering and heartbreaking. Within a short span of time, he lost his wealth and all his children, and was afflicted with a painful physical illness. On top of his personal agony, Job faced the absence of compassionate and wise support from those closest to him. Despite all this, he clung to his faith and steadfastly trusted in the Lord’s timing.

Even though he couldn’t comprehend the reasons behind his suffering, Job knew he could trust in the character of the one who holds all things in his hands. Job teaches us to bring our pain and questions to the Lord, who understands our struggles.

Job’s story reminds us that faith isn’t only about believing when everything is going well. It’s about clinging to God even in the darkest of times. It’s about finding hope in his promises, even when our world seems shattered. It’s about trusting in his timing, even when it feels agonizingly slow.

Prayer: Gracious Lord, in our pain and confusion, we acknowledge life’s deep suffering. Help us cling to faith amid trials and trust in your timing. Comfort us in grief, granting strength to trust your plans. May our lives reflect unwavering trust in you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

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