Bible Society of South Africa

Which master do you serve? - 21 November 2024

By Ewald Schmidt

Bible text(s)

Matthew 6

God and Possessions

24“No one can be a slave of two masters; he will hate one and love the other; he will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Matthew 6:24GNBOpen in Bible reader

In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7), Jesus teaches us about two different kingdoms, two paths, two foundations on which we build our lives. Along our path of life, we come to a crossroad where we must decide which direction we are going to go. One cannot keep walking on both paths, they are diverging with two different destinies.

On the one side is the kingdom of this world. We are all born in this kingdom. In this world, we are of the opinion that we are our own master. We think we make choices, based on what we perceive to be our own best interest. However, the Bible calls this a state of darkness. In the original Greek text, Jesus refers to Mammon being in charge of the world’s operating systems. Mammon is not necessarily a person, although the Assyrians had a god with this name. He was, supposedly, the provider of prosperity. It could be a remnant of the collective memory of Israel associating money with Mammon. It is one of the words in old Hebrew for money. In modern Hebrew, it means “wealth”.

Jesus warns against a materialistic lifestyle, the system of this world built around the gathering of wealth. It is not only a warning to rich people, but also to normal people just trying to survive the daily struggle of keeping your head above water. The danger is that you can become so focused on getting money to just survive, that it can consume your whole life.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us an alternative way of living. Against the influence of darkness, he came to this world to bring light and in this light, we find life (John 1:9). We are called to follow him as his disciples, walking in the light of Christ. Then we are citizens of the kingdom of God. The Lord is our first love. We hand over control of our life to him in faith. Yes, we still live in this world and we still have to pay our bills. The difference is: where he is Lord, we live for him. Paul said it beautifully in 1 Corinthians 10:31: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

This is the whole point of today’s verse. We do everything in life for ourselves, serving our own best interests in all we do. Or we surrender our lives to Christ, giving him control over all our lives. We choose to serve him as Master. The first choice, serving money, brings temporary satisfaction. The second choice, serving Christ, has eternal benefits for us.

Prayer: Lord, when I read this verse, I realise that there is a crossroad in every life, where I need to make a choice. I choose to follow you, Lord Jesus. I want to honour you in all I do. Thank you that I find your goodness and mercy all around me every day. I see your influence at home, at my work, in the traffic; everywhere I go I find your grace. Thank you for leading me on a good path! Amen

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