Bible Society of South Africa


A belt was a broad strip of cloth worn around the middle of the body. It was mostly made of linen, sometimes of leather. A belt could be worn around a tunic or a cloak. The folds of the broad strip of cloth could be used as a kind of pouch for carrying small objects.

The Belt as a Metaphor

The fastening of the belt is often used as a symbol for making oneself ready for a journey or a fight.
In Exodus 12:11 (ESV), the people of Israel must celebrate the Passover with their belts fastened, their sandals on their feet, and their staffs in their hand.
With the “dress for battle” in Nahum 2:1 (ESV), the inhabitants of Nineveh are urged to fasten their belts in order to get ready for the battle.
The belt can also indicate that someone has certain personality traits. For example in Isaiah 11:5 (ESV), “Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt of his loins.” That means that he will rule with justice and integrity.

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