Bible Society of South Africa


In Bible times both men and women wore a cloth around their head as a head-covering.


In Old Testament times men kept their head covered mainly as protection from the sun. In most cases, they wrapped a cloth around their heads like a kind of turban.
In New Testament times certain groups of Jews also kept their heads covered for religious reasons, for example while praying. Paul says, by the way, in 1 Corinthians 11:4 that a man must not cover his head when praying or speaking in the church.


When outdoors, women always kept their heads covered. They often wore a kind of turban, like the men. They might also pull their robe over their head or they wore a separate, shorter head-scarf.
Paul emphasises in 1 Corinthians 11: 2-16 that it is compulsory for women to cover their heads.

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