*Psalms 120
I want to have peace
This is a song for people going to the temple.
1When I had a lot of problems,
I prayed and asked the Lord to help me,
and He answered me.
2I said to Him: ‘Lord,
please save me from people
who tell lies and cheat.’
3You, people who cheat others
and plan to do bad things,
do you know how God will punish you?
4He will punish you with
the sharp arrows of soldiers
and with burning coals.
5To live among you feels as bad
as living as strangers in the land of Meshek
or among the tents of the sinful people of Kedar.
6For too long I have lived
among people who do not want to have peace.
7I want to have peace,
but when I talk about peace,
they want to have war.
ltpgtEnglish Bible for the Deaf © Bible Society of South Africa 2019. Used with permission. All rights reserved.lt/pgt