The Lord protects those who love Him
This song is a Psalm of David to praise the Lord.
1My God, my King, I want to praise You.
I want to praise your name forever and ever.
2I want to praise your name
each day, forever and ever.
3The Lord is great,
and everyone must praise Him.
No one will ever know how great He is.
4Each generation must
tell the next generation of the
wonderful things that He has done.
They must talk about
the great things that You have done.
5I want to think about the glory
of God the King and about
the wonderful things that You do.
6People will respect the amazing things
that You do and talk about how great You are.
7They will remember
how great and good You are
and tell everyone about it,
and they will sing about your righteousness.
8The Lord is gracious and full of mercy,
He is patient and
does not become angry quickly,
and his love for us will never end.
9The Lord is good to all,
and his mercy helps everyone He has made,
everyone who suffers.
10Lord, everything
that You have made will thank You,
and everyone who believes in You
will praise You.
11They will talk about the glory
of your Kingdom and your power,
12so that the people will know
of the great things that You have done
and your wonderful glory,
the glory of the King in heaven.
13You will always be King,
and You will rule forever.
14The Lord helps people who stumble,
and He takes care of those who are in trouble.
15Everyone is waiting for You
to give them food,
and You do it at the right time.
16You open your hand and
You give to all who live.
You give them what they need.
17The Lord is righteous
in everything He does.
He is very good to us.
18The Lord is near everyone
who prays to Him.
He is very close to people
who talk to Him honestly.
19He does what his people ask Him to do,
for the people who believe in Him.
He listens when they pray to Him
and He saves them.
20The Lord protects everyone
who loves Him,
but He will destroy sinful people.
21I will praise the Lord.
Let everyone on earth
praise his holy name forever and ever.