Matthew 3
John the Baptist preaches in the desert
(Also in Mark 1:2-8; Luke 3:2-20; John 1:19-28)
1In those days John the Baptist started to preach in the Judea Desert. 2He said: ‘You must turn to God and start to live as He wants you to live, because God in heaven rules over all and now all people will know it.’ 3The prophet Isaiah had written about John when he said:
‘There is someone in the desert
who shouts and says:
“You must prepare the way
for the Lord.
You must make his road easy to walk on.” ’
4John's clothes were made of camel hair and he had a leather belt around his hips. His food was locusts and honey from the desert. 5The people of Jerusalem and Judea and from places near the Jordan River went to John. 6They said they were sorry about the sins they had done and John baptised them in the Jordan River.
7Many Pharisees and Sadducees also came to be baptised. John said to them: ‘You are cunning like snakes. You try to flee from God, but you can not run away from Him. He will punish you. 8No, you must show that your lives have turned to God and you must start doing the things that He wants. You must show you are like trees that have good fruit. 9You say to each other: “We are the children_of_Abraham”, and you think God will not punish you. But I tell you: God can say to these stones they must become children_of_Abraham and that will happen. 10God has already started to judge. It is like someone with an axe who has started to cut down every tree that does not have good fruit. He will cut them down and throw them into the fire. 11I baptise you with water and that shows that you want to live as God says. But later Someone will come who can do much more than I can do. I am not important enough to carry his sandals. He will baptise you with the Holy_Spirit and with fire. 12He will judge everyone. It will be like a person who takes a threshing-fork and separates the wheat from the chaff. He will put all the wheat in his store room and He will burn the chaff in a big fire that will burn forever. It will never stop.’
John baptises Jesus
(Also in Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:29-34)
13Jesus went away from the province of Galilee and He came to the Jordan River. He went to John and told John to baptise Him. 14But John did not want to do it. He said: ‘It is not right that I baptise You. You must baptise me. Why did You come to me?’ 15But Jesus said to John: ‘Do what I ask and baptise Me. We must do what God wants us to do.’
Then John did what Jesus asked. He baptised Jesus. 16After John had baptised Jesus, Jesus came up out of the water. Then the heaven opened to Jesus and He saw the Spirit of God come down on Him like a dove that comes down from the sky. 17Then Someone from heaven said: ‘This is my Son. I love Him. He pleases me.’
English Bible for the Deaf © Bible Society of South Africa 2019. Used with permission. All rights reserved.