*Psalms 47
God is King of all nations
Tell the leader of the choir that this is a Psalm of the Korah group.
1All people, clap your hands and rejoice.
Shout_loudly and sing to the Lord
2because the Lord
is the Most High God
and everyone must fear Him.
He is the Great_King
who rules all the earth.
3He defeated a lot of nations
and they had to serve us.
4He chose the land that
He wanted to give us,
the beautiful land of Jacob
whom He loved. Selah
5When God went to his temple,
the people shouted and blew trumpets.
6You must sing to God,
and you must praise his name.
Sing to our King and praise his name,
7because He is the King of all the earth.
You must sing a song to praise Him.
8God rules over all the nations.
He sits on his holy throne.
9The leaders of all the nations
will come together with
the people of the God of Abraham,
because God rules over the leaders
who rule over the earth.
He is high above all of them.
English Bible for the Deaf © Bible Society of South Africa 2019. Used with permission. All rights reserved.