English Bible for the Deaf

THE ENGLISH BIBLE FOR THE DEAF (2019): This Bible was translated by the Bible Society of South Africa for different groups of readers:
- Deaf readers who use Sign Language and struggle to understand the words of other Bible translations that were formulated for hearing people.
- New readers of the English language who do not understand all the words and styles that other language users know.
- Readers who want to know more about some of the objects and practices of Biblical times that are explained in some of the 100 000+ footnotes in this Bible.
- Any person who wants to read a simplified and easy formulation of what the Lord said and what He wants to give us.
© Bible Society of South Africa 2019. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
Die Bybel 2020-vertaling
Die Bybel 2020-vertaling met Deuterokanonieke boeke
Die Bybel 2020-vertaling: HOOFLETTERUITGAWE
Afrikaans 1933/1953
Afrikaans 1983/1992
Bybel vir almal 2007
Afrikaans 1933/1953 met Deuterokanonieke boeke
Bybel vir Dowes - met illustrasies
English Bible for the Deaf
English Bible for the Deaf - with illustrations
Good News Translation
King James Version
Contemporary English Version
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Anglicised 2016
Holy Bible, New International Version ™ (Anglicised), NIV ™
IsiZulu 2020
IsiZulu 2020 with Deuterocanon
IsiZulu 1959 (OO)
IsiZulu 1959/1997 (NO)
IsiZulu 1893
IsiXhosa 1975
IsiXhosa 1996
IsiXhosa 1902 (Appleyard revision)
Sepedi 1951/1986
Sepedi 2000
Sesotho 1909/1961 (SO)
Sesotho 1989 (SO)
Sesotho 1989 (LO)
Sesotho 1989 (LO) with Deuterocanon
Setswana 1908/1992 (NO)
Setswana 1970/1987
Setswana 1970/1987 with Deuterocanon
Siswati 1996
Tshivenda 1998
Tshivenda 1936
Tshivenda 1998 with Deuterocanon
Xitsonga 1929/2012
Xitsonga 1989
Xitsonga 1989 with Deuterocanon
IsiNdebele 2012
French Bible - Louis Segond (1910)
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