Bible Society of South Africa
Hennie Symington

A journey of the soul – Day 13

Serving mankind

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


26Jwale Modimo a re: “A re etseng motho ka setshwano sa rona le ka sebopeho sa rona, mme a laole ditlhapi tsa lewatle, le dinonyana tse fofang, le makgomo, le lefatshe lohle, le tsohle tse hahabang hodima lefatshe.”

27Yaba Modimo o bopa motho ka setshwano sa hae, o mmopa ka setshwano sa Modimo; a bopa e motona le e motshehadi.

TSHIMOLOHO 1:26-27SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


Molaetsa o molemo wa topollo

1Moya wa Morena Modimo

o hodima ka,

hobane o ntlotseditse

ho bolella mafutsana,

molaetsa o molemo.

O nthometse ho thoba pelo

tsa ba swabileng,

ho phatlalletsa bathopuwa

tsa tokoloho,

le hore ba tjhankaneng

ba tla lokollwa;

ESAYA 61:1SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


3Hopolang ba ditlamong, jwaloka hoja le le ditlamong le bona; esita le ba hlekefetswang, hobane le lona le sa phela lefatsheng.

BAHEBERU 13:3SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

I was hungry and you referred me to a human rights group.

I was in prison and you prayed silently for my release.

I was naked and in your thoughts, you wondered whether I was decent enough to attend a church service.

I was ill and you thanked God on your knees for your good health.

I was lonely and you left me on my own to pray for me.

You look so holy, so close to God, but I am still hungry – and lonely and out in the cold. (Words for Worship, 1986)

Over the centuries, the church has made its mark in many places where the dignity and humanity of people have been denied and trampled upon. For generations, missionaries have travelled across the globe, not only to preach the word of God but also to establish schools, hospitals and homes to care for the needy. All over the world, the church cares for the blind, the deaf, the orphaned, the widowed, the sick and the dying. Why? Because in the Christian faith, it is the person that matters. As Christians, we believe that every human being has inalienable worth as a person. Man, woman and child are all created in the image of God. If we accept this and live by this belief, we are called to free people and to do everything in our power to protect and care for them.

The moment we forget that all people are created in the image of God and are real people, not just souls or bodies, we lose sight of the person in need. However, if we really care for others, we cannot help being concerned about their welfare.

Bible Society of South Africav.4.27.6