Bible Society of South Africa
Neville Turley

God as the source of hope – Day 1

To whom can we turn?

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele

Pesalema 33

20Meya ya rona e lebeletse Morena,

e leng yena thuso le thebe ya rona.

Pesalema 33:20SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

Psalm 33 is a hymn exhorting people to praise God, the Creator of the universe. He holds complete sovereignty over the destiny of people and the affairs of all nations. As children of God we are urged to acclaim our faith in God and to place our trust in him.

It is advice one needs to follow and there is no better time than now.

In every country, the beginning of the year signals the time of change, a time for ringing out the old and ringing in the new, a time for introspection and new resolutions.

Unfortunately, by mid-January, the euphoria of the New Year festive celebrations, along with many well-intentioned resolutions, often fade in the face of present realities. The holiday season is past and it is back to the challenges of our current situation.

Researchers are constantly at work analysing conditions, in our land and worldwide, that will impact on the lifestyle and living standards of us all.

Is our economy in a downward spiral? Can inflation be curbed? How best can the interest and well-being of our citizens be safeguarded and enhanced? How are corruption and the crime rate best combatted?

The problems are myriad and there are no easy solutions. No one knows what a new year holds in store for them and their families.

However, Christians are at a distinct advantage. We do not live in a vacuum devoid of hope. Quite the reverse for we know who controls our destiny.

“We struggle and work hard, because we have placed our hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all and especially of those who believe” (1 Timothy 4:10).

As individuals we are powerless to right the wrongs of the entire world, but in our own limited sphere of influence we can make a difference.

The Holy Spirit helps us to do so when we place our hope in God.

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