Bible Society of South Africa

Healing the hurt of rape and abuse – Day 3

Tamar’s life torn to shreds

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


19Tamare a nka molora, a itshela ka wona hloohong, a hahola seaparo sa hae se mebalabala, seo a neng a se apere, a itshwara hloohong, a tsamaya a ntse a bokolla haholo.

2 SAMUELE 13:19SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

As a young virgin, being forcibly raped, Tamar must have experienced severe physical pain. However, her shame was far greater than the pain of the rape.

Tamar tore the robe she was wearing and put ashes on her head. Then she covered her face with her hands and cried loudly as she walked away.

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