Bible Society of South Africa

I am he – Day 8

Sometimes He Suffers

He notices that everything in his life does not always run smoothly. He gets hurt when unpleasant things happen to him, sometimes as a result of his own wrong choices. But there are also situations that hurt him over which he has no control. Sometimes he battles to free himself of his past, but at other times he manages to talk to God about his suffering and to confront the pain. Then he realises that he can start anew, in spite of all that might have happened before.

And you discover: I am he!

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


Ho timetswa bana ba Jobo le leruo la hae

13Ka letsatsi le leng bara ba Jobo le baradi ba hae ba ne ba le ka tlung ya moholwane wa bona ba eja, ba enwa. 14Leqosa la fihla ho Jobo, la re: “Dipholo tsa hao di ne di ntse di lema, ditonki di ntse di fula pela tsona. 15Ke ha Basheba ba di wela hodimo, ba di hapa, ba bolaya bahlanka bohle ba hao ka sabole. Ke nna feela ya phonyohileng ho tla o tsebisa.”

16Yare leqosa leo le sa ntsane le bua, le leng la fihla, la re: “Letolo le ile la theoha lehodimong, la tjhesa dikgutshwane, le bahlanka ba hao, ha re lore! Ke nna feela ya phonyohileng ho tla o tsebisa.”

17Yare le leo le sa ntsane le bua, le leng la fihla, la re: “Bakalatiya ba ile ba fihla ka mabothwana a bona a mararo, a hlaselang, ba futuhela dikamele, ba di hapa; ba bolaya le bahlanka ba hao ka sabole. Ke nna feela ya phonyohileng ho tla o tsebisa.”

18Yare le leo le sa ntsane le bua, le leng la fihla hape, la re: “Bara ba hao le baradi ba hao ba ne ba le ka tlung ya moholwane wa bona, ba ntse ba eja, ba enwa. 19Hanghang ha fihla sefefo se matla, se etswa lehwatateng. Sa diha dihuku tse nne tsa ntlo, ya buramela hodima bona, mme ba eshwa. Ke nna feela ya phonyohileng ho tla o tsebisa.”

20Yaba Jobo o a ema, o hahola seaparo sa hae, o beola hlooho ya hae, o itahlela fatshe ho rapela, 21o re:

“Ke tswetswe ke mme ke le feela,

ke tla ya lebitleng

ke ntse ke le feela.

Morena o na fane,

Morena o amohile,

ho ke ho roriswe lebitso la hae.”

22Ho tsena tsohle tse etsahetseng, Jobo ha a a ka a etsa sebe, kapa a re Modimo o sebeditse ka mokgwa o sa mo tshwaneleng.

JOBO 1:13-22SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


Ho kula le ho fola ha kgosi Hesekiya

1Mehleng eo, Hesekiya a kulela lefu. Yaba moporofeta Esaya, mora wa Amose, o fihla ho yena, o re: “Morena o bua tjena: ‘Lokisa tsa lelapa la hao, hobane o tla shwa; o ke ke wa hlola o phela.’ ”

2 DIKGOSI 20:1SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


2Jwale Hesekiya a retelehela leboteng, a rapela Morena, a re: 3“Oho, Morena, ke a o kopa: Ako hopole kamoo ke o sebeleditseng kateng ka botshepehi, le ka pelo e se nang mano, mme ka etsa tse lokileng mahlong a hao.” Yaba Hesekiya o lla habohloko.

2 DIKGOSI 20:2-3SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


34Ha Esau a ena le dilemo tse mashome a mane a nyala Jehudite, moradi wa Beeri wa Mohete, le Basemate, moradi wa Elone wa Mohete. 35Basadi bana ba sulafaletsa Rebeka le Isaka bophelo.

TSHIMOLOHO 26:34-35SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


13Ka letsatsi le hlahlamang a ya hape, a bona banna ba Baheberu ba babedi ba lwana; yaba o re ho ya molato: “Ke ka baka lang ha o otla ngwaneno?”

14Eo a araba, a re: “Ke mang ya o beileng hore o be mmusi le moahlodi wa rona? O so rata ho mpolaya jwalokaha o bolaile Moegepeta?” Yaba Moshe o a tshoha, o re: “Ruri taba ena e a tsejwa!”

15Yare ha Faro a utlwela taba ena, a batla ho bolaya Moshe. Empa Moshe a baleha Faro, a tshabela naheng ya Midiane, a fihla a dula pela sediba sa moo. 16Jwale moprista wa Midiane o ne a ena le baradi ba supileng. Yaba ba a tla, ba kga metsi, ba tlatsa senwello, ba nwesa mehlape ya ntata bona.

PHALLO 2:13-16SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


7Hore ke se tshohe ke ikgantsha ka baka la boholo ba tseo ke di senolotsweng, ke hlabilwe ka moutlwa mmeleng, e leng moromuwa wa Satane, hore a nne a ntjabele, esere ka ikgantsha. 8Ke rapetse Morena hararo hore ntho ena e tlohe ho nna, 9empa a re ho nna: “Mohau wa ka o o lekane, hobane matla a ka a phethahala ka ba fokolang.” Ha ho le jwalo, ke tla ithorisa ka bofokodi ba ka ka thabo e kgolo, hore matla a Kreste a tle a be ho nna. 10Ka baka leo, ke thabela bofokodi, mahlapa, ditsietsi, ditlhoriso, le mahlomola, ka baka la Kreste, hobane ha ke fokola, eba ke hona ha ke le matla.

2 BAKORINTHE 12:7-10SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

Pesalema 22

Modimo wa ka, Modimo wa ka, o ntahletseng?

1Pesalema ya Davida. Taelo ho motsamaisi wa dibini: E binwe ka modumo wa “Kgama ya meso”.

2Modimo wa ka, Modimo wa ka,

o ntahletseng?

O hole le ho mpholosa,

ha o utlwe ho dumaela ha ka.

3Modimo wa ka,

ke ipiletsa le motsheare,

empa ha o nkarabe;

ke howa le bosiu, ha ke kgutse.

Pesalema 22:1-3SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

Pesalema 22

11ke abetswe wena

ho tloha tswalong ya ka,

o bile Modimo wa ka

ke sa le popelong ya mme.

12Se be hole le nna,

hobane matshwenyeho a haufi,

mme ha ho ya ka nthusang.

13Dipohwana tse ngata di ntikile,

dipoho tsa ditonana tsa Bashane

di mpokanetse;

14dira di mpetletse meno,

jwaloka tau tse purumang,

tse harolang.

15Ke jwaloka metsi a tsholohang,

masapo a ka a tswenehile;

pelo ya ka e jwaloka tshotso,

e qhibidiha ka sefubeng sa ka;

Pesalema 22:11-15SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

Pesalema 121

Morena ke molebedi wa hao

1Sefela sa ho nyolohela Jerusalema.

Mahlo a ka a tadima dithabeng;

ekaba thuso ya ka e tla tswa kae?

2Thuso ya ka e tswa ho Morena,

ya entseng mahodimo le lefatshe.

3A ke ke a tlohela leoto la hao,

a le tlohella ho thella,

molebedi wa hao a ke ke a otsela.

4Ruri molebedi wa Iseraele

ha a otsele, ha a kgalehe.

5Morena ke molebedi wa hao,

Morena ke moriti wa hao

ka letsohong la hao le letona.

6Tsatsi le ke ke

la o ntsha kotsi motsheare,

leha e le kgwedi bosiu.

7Morena o tla o sireletsa,

a o sireletse bobeng bohle,

a baballe bophelo ba hao.

8Morena o tla o lebela

ha o eya le ha o kgutla,

ho tloha jwale le kamehla yohle.

Pesalema 121:1-8SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


Paulosi o bolela tsa tshokoloho ya hae

12“Yaba ke ya Damaseka ke neilwe matla le thomo ke baprista ba baholo. 13Jwale, kgosi, hara mpa ya motsheare, ha ke le tseleng, ka bona kganya e fetang ya letsatsi e tswang lehodimong; ya nteela hare le bao ke neng ke tsamaya le bona. 14Yare hoba bohle re wele fatshe, ka utlwa lentswe le re ho nna, ka Seheberu: ‘Saule! Saule! O ntlhorisetsang na? Ho thata ho wena ho raha ditsenene!’

15“Yaba ke re: ‘O mang, Morena?’

“Morena a re: ‘Ke nna Jesu, eo o mo hlorisang.’ 16Empa tsoha, o eme, hobane ke iponahaditse ho wena, hore ke o kgethe ho ba mosebeletsi le paki ya tseo o di boneng ka nna, le tseo ke tla iponahatsa ho wena ka tsona. 17Ke tla o namolela ho Bajuda le ho baditjhaba, bao nna ke o romang ho bona. 18O tla ba tutubolla, ba tswe lefifing ba ye leseding; ba tswe matleng a Satane, ba ineele ho Modimo, mme ka ho dumela ho nna ba tle ba fumane tshwarelo ya dibe tsa bona, ba be le kabelo hara ba halaleditsweng!”

Bopaki ba Paulosi ho Bajuda le baditjhaba

19“Ke ka hona, kgosi Ageripa, ke sa kang ka hana ho mamela pono eo ya lehodimo.

DIKETSO 26:12-19SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


19Yare ha monga hae a utlwa dipolelo tsena tsa mosadi wa hae, tseo a di buang ho yena, tse reng: “Mohlanka wa hao o nkentse tjena le tjena,” kgalefo ya hae ya tlokoma. 20Monga Josefa a mo nka, a mo kenya tjhankaneng, sebakeng seo batshwaruwa ba kgosi ba neng ba kwallwa ho sona, mme a ba moo tjhankaneng.

21Empa Morena a ba le Josefa, a mo hauhela, a etsa hore mookamedi wa tjhankana a mo rate. 22Mookamedi wa tjhankana a bea batshwaruwa bohle ba tjhankaneng tlasa taolo ya Josefa, mme tsohle tse etswang moo di ne di etswa ka taelo ya Josefa. 23Mookamedi wa tjhankana o ne a se a sa itshwenye ka letho le taolong ya Josefa, hobane Morena o ne a ena le yena, mme tsohle tseo a neng a di etsa Morena o ne a di atlehisa.

TSHIMOLOHO 39:19-23SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


3Josefa a re ho bana babo: “Ke nna Josefa; na ntate o sa phela?” Empa bana babo ba sitwa ho mo arabela, hobane ba ne ba tshohile ha ba bona hore o a phela.

4Kahoo Josefa a re ho bana babo: “Atamelang ho nna hle!” Yaba ba a atamela, mme a re ho bona: “Ke nna Josefa, ngwanabo lona, eo le neng le mo rekise Egepeta. 5Le se ke la itshwabela, leha e le ho ikgalefela, kahobane le nthekisitse mona. Modimo o ntlisitse mona pele ho lona, hore bophelo bo tle bo bolokehe. 6Tlala e se e aparetse naha ka dilemo tsena tse pedi, empa ho sa na le dilemo tse hlano tseo ka tsona ho sa tlo lengwa le ho kotulwa. 7Modimo o nthometse mona pele ho lona, hore le be le ditloholo naheng ena, le ho le baballa, hore le tle le pholohe le le bangata.

8“Hase lona le nthometseng mona, empa ke Modimo. O nkentse moeletsi wa Faro, le morena wa lelapa lohle la hae, le mmusi wa naha yohle ya Egepeta.

TSHIMOLOHO 45:3-8SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


22Letshwele la kopana, la ba tsohela matla, baahlodi ba ba tabolela diaparo, mme ba laela hore ba shapuwe. 23Ha ba se ba ba ntshitse metopa e mengata, ba ba hlahlela tjhankaneng, ba laela molebedi ho ba lebela ka thata. 24Yena ha a fumane taelo e jwalo, a ba hlahlela kaharehare ho tjhankana, a tlamella maoto a bona pakeng tsa dikoqo.

25Ka seroko, Paulosi le Silase ba rapela, ba tlotlisa Modimo ka difela, mme batshwaruwa ba ba mamela.

DIKETSO 16:22-25SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

  • Although he serves God, unpleasant things still sometimes happen to him
  • He suffers from an incurable disease
  • He suffers because of his child’s wrong choices
  • His past haunts him
  • There are weaknesses in his life
  • Sometimes he feels lonely and vulnerable
  • Yet he realises that God will help him once again
  • He knows he can start a new life, in spite of his past
  • He knows that God  is always with him, even when he suffers
  • Even though he suffers, he knows that God has a greater plan for his life
  • He praises God in spite his suffering

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