Bible Society of South Africa

Jesus – Day 16

Jesus: The Messiah.

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


Jesu o kena Jerusalema

12Ka la hosasane, letshwelehadi le tlileng moketeng ha le utlwa hore Jesu o tla Jerusalema, 13la nka makala a dipalema, la tswa ho ya mo kgahlanyetsa, mme la howa, la re:

“Hosanna! Ho bokwe

ya tlang ka lebitso la Morena,

Kgosi ya Iseraele!”

14Yare ha Jesu a fumana petsana ya tonki, a e palama, jwalokaha ho ngotswe, ho thwe:

JOHANNE 12:12-14SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


Ho tla ha kgosi ya Sione

9Wena Moradi wa Sione

nyakalla haholo!

Wena Moradi wa Jerusalema

etsa ditlatse!

Bona! Kgosi ya hao e tla ho wena;

e lokile, e tlisa topollo,

e ikokobeditse, e palame tonki,

e palame petsana ya tonki.

SAKARIYA 9:9SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


24Kannetenete, ke a le bolella, ha tlhaku ya koro e welang mobung, e sa shwe, e sala e le inotshi, empa ha e eshwa, e beha ditholwana tse ngata. 25Ya ratang bophelo ba hae, bo tla mo lahlehela, mme ya hloyang bophelo ba hae lefatsheng lena, o tla bo bolokela bophelo bo sa feleng.

JOHANNE 12:24-25SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


23Jwale a re ho bohle: “Haeba motho a rata ho ntshala morao, a itele, a jare sefapano sa hae ka tsatsi le leng le le leng, mme a ntatele.

LUKA 9:23SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

Today we look at Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a colt, fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9: “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” What a marvellous experience for the disciples to be present as Scripture is fulfilled, even if they only realise it later. Jesus is seen as coming in peace, riding a donkey and not a war-horse, and excitement is high because the news of Him raising Lazarus from the dead has also spread. Can you imagine being part of that vibrant crowd welcoming the King?

Many had heard his teaching and had seen miracles that He had performed; they welcomed the opportunity to proclaim Jesus as the Messiah. Messiah, in Hebrew, or Christ in Greek, means the “anointed one” to Jews and Christians, the Saviour who will set a captive people free. The Jews had been waiting for a messiah who would physically deliver their people from the tyranny of the Roman Empire. So there were many there that were not able to understand that Jesus came in peace to do something so much more valuable: to set people free from the bondage of sin and death and to establish the Kingdom of God on earth, which would bring eternal reward.

Many people today make the same mistake: they look past Jesus in his gentleness, as He comes in peace, to an earthly leader to solve their problems and end their woes. They look in diverse places for a messiah to set them free: to a political leader, philosopher, religious leader, human rights activist, musician, philanthropist, banker, psychologist, or teacher, to name a few. But no matter how gifted and appealing any of these inspired people may be, they will never satisfy their needs as there is only one anointed One, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. There is only One who has been prepared to die for unworthy, sinful people.

For Jesus to be glorified He had to die, not be proclaimed an earthly messiah by an unauthorised crowd. As difficult as this may be for us to understand, it was clear to Him and He explained it simply: “… unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24) He had to die before He could be raised to life and accomplish so much more in the power of the Holy Spirit. The same is true for His followers: “The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (John 12:25) Jesus says also in Luke 9:23: “If anyone will come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

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