Bible Society of South Africa
Gerhard Lindeque

Pentecost – Day 6 (30 June)

God’s Spirit brings hope through his Word

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


4Tsohle tse ngotsweng kgale di ngoletswe ho re ruta, hore ka ho mamella le ho tshediswa ho fumanwang Mangolong, re tle re be le tshepo.

5Jwale Modimo ya re fang mamello le matshediso a ke a le nee maikutlo a le mang ho ya ka thato ya Kreste Jesu, 6e le hore le tle le tlotlise Modimo, Ntata Morena wa rona Jesu Kreste, le le pelonngwe le ntsweleng.

Molaetsa o molemo ke wa Bajuda le baditjhaba

7Ka baka leo, amohelanang, jwalokaha Kreste le yena a le amohetse tlotlisong ya Modimo. 8Ke a le bolella, ke re, Kreste e bile mosebeletsi wa Bajuda ho bontsha hore Modimo o na le nnete, hore a tiise ditshepiso tse etseditsweng bo-ntata rona, 9mme baditjhaba ba tle ba tlotlise Modimo ka baka la mohau wa hae, jwalokaha ho ngotswe, ho thwe:

“Ka baka leo,

ke tla o boka hara baditjhaba,

ke roke lebitso la hao.”

10Hape ho thwe:

“Nyakallang, lona baditjhaba,

mmoho le setjhaba sa hae.”

11Ho bile ho thwe:

“Rorisang Morena,

lona baditjhaba bohle,

mo tlotliseng,

lona merabe yohle.”

12Esaya le yena o re:

“Ho tla tla setloholo sa Jese,

se tla bewa ho busa baditjhaba,

mme baditjhaba ba tla se tshepa.”

13Jwale Modimo ya re fang tshepo a ke a le tlatse ka thabo yohle le ka kgotso ka baka la ho dumelo ho yena, hore le tle le atelwe ke tshepo ka matla a Moya o Halalelang.

BAROMA 15:4-13SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

No one can live without hope. The Bible teaches us that God is the source of all hope, alive within us, and we get to know God through the Bible. It reminds us of where our hope comes from. So, when we use the Bible for this purpose, we must seek and find in it the hope that God wants to give us through his Word.

According to the scripture passage, hope is the result of two important lessons we learn from the Bible. The first is steadfastness – to keep believing and trusting in God, despite your circumstances. When we read the Bible, we find numerous examples of people who are suffering. If there is some kind of suffering in our lives, we should not see it as a punishment from the Lord. It is part of our lives as children of God. Suffering can go away, but there is always hope.

The second lesson we learn from the Bible is encouragement – the Bible is also the instrument by which God wants to give us strength to get through the difficult times in life. The mistake that many people make when they are facing problems, is to stop reading the Bible or going to church. However, it is important to read God’s Word at such times and draw from it the power that God wants to give us.

The Bible is not meant to be a book full of rules and laws to discourage us. God does not want to impose further guilt on us through the Bible. Jesus Christ came to free us from guilt and show us that God is a God of love and grace, who forgives us. This image of God is prominent in the Bible.

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